In contexts of economic crisis or in particular situations, it may happen that you are unable to sustain the expenses for the Integrated Water Service (from the consumption of drinking water to purification). MM has always been committed to understanding the reasons for any delays in payments and to putting citizens and companies in a position to repay their debts.
Containing arrears is essential to avoid the costs falling on the “good payers” and on the quality of the service. However, it is a tool that is used when all reminder and friendly recovery actions are in vain.
In addition, MM has been authorized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (decree published in the Official Gazette General Series no. 228 of 29/09/2023) to the “forced collection of credits” claimed, relating to the tariff of the Integrated Water Service.
This means that MM will proceed with the issuance of the Fiscal Injunction on its own: it is an act that combines the dual nature and function of an executive title and a precept, allowing executive actions (such as foreclosures) in the event of non-payment of one or more bills.
For more information, visit the La tua acqua portal.